During the period Jan to August 2023, the u3art group have continued to meet twice a month and for those members who wished to work to a theme, we chose Spring, which featured still life options or working from photographs, or reference books. Members who do not wish to follow a theme, bring whatever project they wish to work on.
The group then moved on to studying the human form and portraits. Handouts and reference books were provided and one of our members kindly volunteered to sit for a life drawing session.
We then moved on to animal portraits and information about the grid method of drawing an accurate image from a photograph was made available as well as books and photographs.
Landscape was the next choice of theme which included a workshop exploring different ways of adding texture to paintings using salt, cling film, tissue, Brusho granules, etc.. There was also a short demo of how to apply acrylic inks to enhance seascapes.
For our last meeting we worked on a summer themed still life with a beautiful vase of sunflowers kindly provided by one of our members and some people brought their own wild flowers and grasses to draw.
For the second meeting in July and the first meeting in August we have planned a Lino cutting/ printing demonstration and workshop organised by one of our group facilitators who is a very accomplished artist. We are looking forward to this as something a little different.
The group has limited space for one or two new members at present, of any ability, the main aim being to enjoy a couple of hours being creative with any medium, eg water colours, acrylics, pastels, pencils or charcoal. Oils can be used also as long as members use low odour solvents.