Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Acoustic Guitar for Beginners

I have now been playing both the electric and acoustic guitar for over six years with the emphasis being on the acoustic. I am probably classed as an intermediate player. I make no claims to being better than that. I can take the group a considerable way into their guitar learning journey but then it will be up to the individual member to find their own way as they will by then have learnt enough to decide on a path that they want to follow, be it a particular genre of music; classical, jazz, folk, rock whatever and the kinds of songs  that they would like to learn within that.


The group is aimed at people who want to start learning to play the guitar. They will either have had one in the past, didn't get far with it and it is now gathering dust in the loft or they don't have one as yet and would like to learn. Either way the group is aimed at total beginners and not intermediate or advanced players.

We will be meeting in the Scouts Hut in Lostwithiel on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month from 10.00am until 12.00pm.

Contact the Group Leader

Group Contact: Clive Dorling

Telephone: 078 807 01 122

Update of 23rd September 2024

The group has been doing really well and has come a long way since we first started. We have learnt several chords now and use them to play along to backing tracks of well known but simple songs. The group meetings are divided into two parts, the first is an informative session where different guitar playing techniques, chord shapes, strumming patterns and everything guitar is discussed.

We have a short break halfway through for coffee and a natter.

During the second half of the session we play along to songs using the techniques taught in the first half and what we have been practicing at home. We have a great many to choose from and they are changed regularly so as not to become too repetitive. The aim is to make this as much fun an experience for everyone as possible and hopefully at the end of each meeting people go away having enjoyed it as well as having learnt something new about this wonderful instrument called the guitar.


Update of October 2023

Since starting the group back in January our group members have come a long way and their progress is very impressive. Our group meetings are usually divided into two parts. The first half is spent practicing our strumming techniques, learning some theory, with new chords being introduced when it is felt right to do so.

We then have a break half way through for a coffee and a chat.

The second half of the meeting will be spent playing songs. We have invested in an app that allows us access to over 1500 songs that we can play along to and even sing along with if we want to. It is a great resource. We have also invested in a projector and screen so everyone can see the song on a large screen. Couple this with an amplifier and you have a feeling that you are playing along with a real band!

Primarily though this is a group of friends coming together for a laugh and a chat and play some guitar, if we learn something that is great but the laughs (usually aimed at me) are just as important.


Notice of next meeting:

Please note that the next meeting will be held on the 13th of April.


Update as of 1st February 2023

I hope that you all have been doing your "homework" practicing forming your chords correctly making sure that they are ringing out clearly with no flat notes or buzzing strings. Once you have that try strumming the chords and changing between them. Your goal is to change between E and A, E and D and D to A at a rate of one per second (use your metronome to do this). Any problems let me know. And yes, your fingers will hurt!

The next group meeting will be on the 9th of February at the Scout Hut starting at 10:00am.

Update of 2nd January 2023

Our first meeting will be on Thursday 12th January , starting at 10.00am.


Update of 20th December 2022

I have sent a message to all members giving an outline of the group with a view to launching the group in January 2023.

In addition to the Group Description above, I would like to add the following:

  • For those who do not have a guitar I can give them advice on what to look for, and the different brands or manufacturers that will give the best return for the money, etc.
  • I will touch on a little bit of music theory (not too heavy) because it is important in the understanding of any musical instrument and guitars are no exception. But essentially it will be about playing songs as a group, having a laugh and just enjoy the experience together, encouraging each other along the way.
  • We will be concentrating on strumming the instrument using a pick or your fingers,  I will touch on playing finger style but as I consider this an advanced technique this will not be covered until much later.
  • Learning any musical instrument is a long process and takes years of practice it is not something that happens overnight but along the journey together we can have a lot of fun. So come along and enjoy the experience - you never know we may have a budding Hank Marvin amongst us!
  • If you have any questions, please get in touch. Once I get feedback on the numbers of people who are interested, I can start working on venue and days, times etc. The most likely venue will be the Scout Hut.
  • Also, if there is someone within the u3a who has more experience than me and would like to get involved please let me know.