Lostwithiel u3a Internal Newletter Extra
Thursday 24th October 2024

Just a quick reminder that our next Open Meeting is in the Church Rooms, Lostwithiel on Monday November 4th at 2pm.
“The historic US election of 2024 – the fight for America’s democracy and its soul” with guest speaker Robin Dyer
On the eve of the US Presidential Election, we look forward to hearing from local resident Robin Dyer who will be giving us a talk on “The historic US election of 2024 – the fight for America’s democracy and its soul”. Robin is a former Warwickshire cricketer and Headteacher who taught US politics for over thirty years; his passion for the subject developed during Watergate and took off from there. America heads to the polls on Tuesday November 5th after one of the most eventful campaigns for many years, so this will be a highly topical talk on a fascinating subject!
Plus, in our Community Slot, we’ll be welcoming Amanda Tamblin, Practice Manager at the Lostwithiel Medical Practice.
As we reported earlier in the summer, u3a has launched a new range of services to those who sign-up to receive the u3a Friends newsletter. (n.b. - this is run by national u3a not Lostwithiel Area u3a).
u3a Friends Extra is a benefits website developed exclusively for members of the u3a Friends newsletter community. The website provides access to a wide range of offers, discounts and additional services.
Friends Extra is completely free to access. Anyone signed up to the u3a Friends newsletter can now also make savings on well-known brands, shopping, travel, days out and more.
Offers and services on Friends Extra include:
- Health and wellbeing
- Shopping savings on major brands and retail discounts
- Travel and holidays
- Leisure offers, like family days out, trips to the cinema and theatre
- Insurance offers on car, travel and medical insurance
- Access to financial advice and a legal helpline.
To become a ‘Friend’, simply sign up to receive the Friends Newsletter on the u3a Website here. Each issue of the Friends Newsletter will include a link to the Friends Extra benefits website and highlight one of the offers. This is just one element of the u3a Friends newsletter, which brings together stories from local u3a groups, learning opportunities and news of upcoming events to highlight the fun and learning within the u3a community.
The December/January edition of the Lostwithiel Area u3a Newsletter will be out at the end of November