Lostwithiel Area u3a
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Joining Lostwithiel Area u3a is really easy!

Our membership year runs from beginning of March to the end of February.

Membership Options

Annual fee

Part year Fees
(Joining after 1st September  but before 1st December)*

Single Membership 



Joint Membership 



Single Associate (if you belong to another u3a)



Joint Associate (if you belong to another u3a)




* Members joining after 1st December are entitled to an extended membership to the end of the following membership year at the prevailing annual subscription rate.


Lostwithiel u3a is a registered charity which allows us to boost the money we receive from taxpayers by  reclaiming  25p for every £1 donated. If you are a taxpayer it would be appreciated if you would complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form.  

New members  joining using a Credit Card or PayPal will automatically see the Gift Aid  Declaration section on their payment screen. If you are joining by other methods then please complete the Gift Aid Form available via this link



There are 3 ways of paying your membership fee.

1. Our preferred way is by Credit or Debit Card via PayPal

 - No PayPal account is necessary as payment may be done as a guest.
 - First please give your consent for Lostwithiel u3a to contact you by completing THIS SHORT FORM


2. Pay by Bank Transfer

and pay your subscription via Bank Transfer to our account with these details:-

- Account name: Lostwithiel Area u3a
- Sort code: 30-97-28
- Account number: 37301660

Have you remembered to provide Gift Aid consent using this link?


3. Pay by Cheque

Please complete  THIS ON-LINE APPLICATION FORM and send a cheque made payable to Lostwithiel Area u3a to the membership secretary  S Thomas, Treskelly, St Kew Highway, Bodmin, PL30 3ED

Have you remembered to provide Gift Aid consent using this link?



Renewing Membership

Updated January 2024

Existing Lostwithiel u3a members will receive a reminder about renewing membership  in January each year.

Membership fees are due on the 1st March each year. You may renew your membership
any time from from the date you receive your renewal notice.

The easiest way to renew is using PayPal via  the Beacon Members Portal.  Using this you will automatically receive an electronic membership card.

You may also pay by BACS or cheque following instructions in your renewal email.  In both cases quoting your membership number as the reference.

If you need further help please click on these links:

- Registering for the Membership Portal
- Online Membership renewal using PayPal
- Lostwithiel u3a Privacy Policy
 - Lostwithiel u3a Data Protection Policy
- Saving your membership card to a smartphone (Credit Lancaster u3a)


Paper Application forms may be obtained from the Membership Secretary. 

The Gift Aid Declaration Form may be accessed directly via this link.

Further assistance may be obtained from  the membership secretary Email: membership "AT"lostwithielu3a.org.uk